Nov 24, 2014
Movies which attain cult status are rare, and there is no surefire formula for creating one. Clue (1985) is the perfect example here! The cast has a list of stars that could put a modern blockbuster to shame, and yet this film did rather poorly at the box office in 1985.
Featuring a special guest commentator,...
Nov 17, 2014
And we're back! 1994 was twenty years ago. Christian Slater had just started balding, so he was still attractive enough to be the leading man in one of the most amazing films written by Quentin Tarantino.
That's right, episode 11 is none other than True Romance! The cast has so many big names that it's amazing it was...
Nov 10, 2014
Baseball is America's sport, and there's nothing more American than Charlie Sheen (drugs and debauchery), Wesley Snipes (tax evasion), Dennis Haysbert (the concept of insurance), and Tom Berenger (aging badly)! We're joined by the hosts of the Dirty Sports Podcast, Joe Praino (@fixyourlife) and Andy Ruther (