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Jul 28, 2015

1996 was Matthew McConaughey's year.  He stars in this taut thiller based on the book by John GrishamSamuel L Jackson, Kevin Spacey, Sandra Bullock, and Oliver Platt round out an exceptional cast, which comprises 6 Oscar Winners! 

This is Joel Schumacher at his best, pulling out all the stops and really moving things...

Jul 21, 2015

It's been nearly a decade since Children of Men debuted in 2006.  Alfonso Cuaron crafts a chilling near-future set in London, starring Clive Owen, Julianne Moore, and Chiwetel Ejiofor.  Not many people saw this film when it came out, and it has a cult-like following, but trust us: it's for good reason!

Not bad for a guy...

Jul 14, 2015

We're breaking into the 40s with one of the biggest August blockbusters of all time: Guardians of the Galaxy!  Join us for a deep discussion on the mechanics of a good soundtrack, how many different colors Zoe Saldana has been, and whether or not Clay knows anything about music!

Jul 6, 2015

It's hard to believe we've put out 40 episodes so far.  Captain America: Winter Soldier is a great movie to bring us over the hill (no matter what Eric says).

Chris Evans, Samuel L Jackson, Robert Redford, ScarJo, and Anthony Mackie bring the movie to life in one of the most successful Marvel movies to date.  The Russo...